Radio Študent

Radio Študent

V tokratni oddaji boste poslušali:- Body Says No s prve! - novi singel in videospot z naslovom High-quality Guilt!Zasedba nastopi na prihajajočem festivalu MENT 2020 ter je med izbranci za leto 2020...
11. 12. 2019
V tokratni oddaji s poslanstvom:intervju z dvema petinama zdaj kvinteta, prej kvarteta Miusow. Na obisk prideta pozavnist Žiga Murko in bobnar Blaž Grm, ki bosta predstavila bendovo drugo...
4. 12. 2019
Radio Student brings you a selection of fresh music from the alternative and underground scene. Our guest in this edition was Luka Zadro, a promotor, organizer and manager of the underground ...
1. 12. 2019
his week, Radio Student Zagreb brings you a small selection of what the Croatian underground scene offers. As a special feature we spoke to Lucija Sever from Seven Mouldy Figs and Dino...
30. 11. 2019
Komad s prve v rokah Biokida, najnovejšega člana kolektiva Just Us. <a data-cke-saved-href="
27. 11. 2019
On the broadcast of this week's RadioMuse, we are taking you to Paris, and more specifically, in one of the biggest music fair of the country : the mama festival. Mama festival is a huge music market...
24. 11. 2019
BROADCAST #15 hosted by Orange 94.0, ViennaAll about beats, rhymes and messages! Our 15th Broadcast of RadioMuse is coming from Vienna and Orange 94.0 is introducing you to underground HipHop...
23. 11. 2019
[[nid:48000 view_mode=teaser]]Brazilski predsednik Jair Bolsonaro je ustvaril novo stranko po svoji meri. Le dan po tem, ko je izstopil iz dosedanje desničarske Socialno liberalne stranke, je svečano...
22. 11. 2019
V tokratnji oddaji:× se v živo pogovarjamo z domačim duom Darla Smoking in o njuni sveži plati Extinct, ki je 18. novembra izšla pri KAPA Records in jo bosta v petek, 22. novembra, predstavljala v...
20. 11. 2019
This week, Radio Student Zagreb brings you a small selection of what the Croatian underground scene offers. As a special feature Vigor spoke to Luka Šipetić, the guitarist and songwriter from 4 bands...
17. 11. 2019
A broadcast on local musics from France!
16. 11. 2019
V današnji oddaji 100 decibelov:Svež singel Darle Smoking in napoved intervjuja v naslednji oddaji 100 decibelov.Sandcry by Darla Smoking Intervju s kranjskim djom Doucheanom ob izdaji njegovega...
13. 11. 2019
In edition number twelve we spoke with Nina Dragičević, an activist and sound artist and with Tit, the head of a small, but resonating record label ŠOP Records, from wich we also present the...
10. 11. 2019
In edition number twelve we spoke with Nina Dragičević, an activist and sound artist and with Tit, the head of a small, but resonating record label ŠOP Records, from wich we also present the...
9. 11. 2019
Intervju: Carnifliate - vprašuje Erik Kerpan<a data-cke-saved-href="" href=...
6. 11. 2019
For our broadcast we met with three exponents of the thriving Viennese underground scene, talking with Paul Ebhart and Florian Stöffelbauer in the first part of the show. Paul is active as a Dj and...
3. 11. 2019
This is the ninth edition of Radiomuse, again from Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This time we showcase three local artists, the punk rock trio 7AM, the local singer-songwriter tovariš...
2. 11. 2019
V tokratnih 100 decibelih:- poslušamo novo izdajo Kanomotis, Nostalgia EP - z Boštjanom Simonom se pogovarjamo o zasedbi There Be Monsters in novi izdaji, naslovljeni The ArkThe Ark by...
29. 10. 2019
A musical exchange program between radio stations across Europe from Radio STUDENT in Zagreb, Croatia, Radio ORANGE in Vienna, Austria, Radio ŠTUDENT in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Campus France...
27. 10. 2019
Our 7th Broadcast of RadioMuse is coming from Vienna for the second time. Orange 94.0 is introducing to you sounds descending from garages and DIY spirit. Dora De Goederen bassist and drummer of...
26. 10. 2019