"Passengers" ali "Potniki" 21. stoletja - pogovor s Césarjem Dezfulijem

V zaključku leta 2019 Galerija Epeka s projektom Potniki, v originalu Passengers, gosti Césarja Dezfulija, mladega španskega samostojnega novinarja, fotoreporterja in fotografa, tudi prejemnika nagrade Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2017. Ob otvoritvi razstave prejšnji petek se je Cesar oglasil tudi na Radiu MARŠ, posnetek pogovora, ki je potekal v angleščini, pa vam ponujamo v poslušanje danes.

V projektu “Potniki” César Dezfuli raziskuje naš odnos do beguncev in predvsem vse večjo stopnjo popredmetenja ljudi, ki v stiski bežijo proti Evropi. Medtem ko so begunci v večini prispevkov prikazani neosebno, od daleč in s skoraj profesionalno distanco, je Dezfulijev pristop drugačen, človeški. Ne odvzema jim dostojanstva, temveč jih prikazuje kot suverene, celovite osebnosti. Vprašanje, ki si ga zastavlja, je, kdo so ljudje, ki se skrivajo za grozljivimi statistikami begunskih brodolomov in kakšna je identiteta žrtev in preživelih na poteh v Evropo.


César Dezfuli was born in 1991 in Madrid. He is self-taught in photography and having learned his trade as a journalist in various newsrooms, he now works as a freelance photojournalist, focusing on humanitarian crisis and international politics. Since 2015, his focus is on the migrant crisis at the borders of Europe, with a special attention on the Central Mediterranean migratory rout. His work has been published in international media such as The Guardian, The New York Times, El País or Aljazeera, and recognized with several awards as the Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize and others.

His project Passengers reflects on our attitude towards refugees and especially the evergrowing degree of objectification of people, who are approaching Europe in great distress. The author indirectly analyses the state of mind of the European man, who is increasingly ignorant of other’s distress, which is – especially given the author’s photojournalistic career – ironically enough, brought about by the almost daily reports on human tragedies. Whilst these tragedies are mostly portrayed impersonally, from afar and with professional distance, Dezfuli has a different approach. For him, humane treatment of protagonists is crucial, because it doesn’t chip away their dignity. Instead it portrays them as independent, integral personalities. He is looking for an answer to the question, who are the people hidden behind the frightening statistics of shipwrecks on the Mediterranean refugee routes.



Razstavo si lahko ogledate do 20. decembra, od ponedeljka do petka, med 13. in 16. uro.

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Foto: César Dezfuli

S Césarjem se je pogovarjal Franc.

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