Radio Študent

Radio Študent

In this edition of the IndieRE broadcast show we focused on displaying a wide range of artist and genres that were released in the course of the pandemic which put the music business to a halt. We...
3. 6. 2022
My name is Thibault, from Radio Campus Angers, part of the Radio Campus France network, and this week I'm taking you back to France's west side.In Angers, where I live, some interesting albums were...
27. 5. 2022
V frišni oddaji 100 decibelov poleg glasbenih novosti naznanjenih tudi šest letošnjih klubskih maratoncev!Letošnji klubski maratonci so (navedeni v abecednem vrstnem redu):***BibliBanRock...
25. 5. 2022
In this edition of Radio Muse, Indie-Re you will get to know a festival in Upper Austria, called “Klangfestival Gallneukirchen”. Due to the Covid19-pandemic the festival couldn’t take place in...
21. 5. 2022
V današnji oddaji poslušamo:- prvo dolgometražno plato bivših maratoncev Pantaloons, naslovljeno Zbounce, ki ga pospremi še pogovor s članom Davidom Nikom,- nov EP Ichisana z naslovom Margit Mono EP...
17. 5. 2022
On this episode of Indie-Re, Cecilia Paesante from Radio Popolare, an italian radio based in Milan, wants to introduce you to two of the most interesting female artists of the Italian indie scene:...
14. 5. 2022
Bližajo se volitve za novega rektorja Univerze v Mariboru. Potekale bodo v torek, 24. maja. Izid pa verjetno ni skrivnost, saj se za mesto poteguje en sam kandidat in hkrati trenutni rektor...
13. 5. 2022
V tokratni oddaji boste lahko slišali:- komad z izdaje In The Woods (Noiseless Boar),- nov singel domače thrash zasedbe Ensanguinate,- pogovor z Vazzom in komade z raperjeve tretje plate,- komad...
10. 5. 2022
On this episode of Indie-Re, Cecilia Paesante from Radio Popolare, an italian radio based in Milan, wants to introduce you to a couple of indie artists: Fabrizio Cammarata and the band Triciperatopi....
7. 5. 2022
V tokratni oddaji 100 decibelov lahko slišite:- Ljubljansko funk-pop gospôdo Masaž, ki so izdali videospot za svoj tretji singl Brezno.- Koprčani NoAir so izdali nov komad, ...
4. 5. 2022
Welcome to Radio Muse ! Today it's the turn of Radio Pulsar, from Poitiers, as member of the French Radio Campus network. Radio Muse - Independent Radio Exchange - is an European project promoting...
30. 4. 2022
We are Focusing on the East German Stoner Rock, Psychedelic Rock and Metal Scene, We first want to give you an overview of the different local bands, as well we will look on some Historical German...
23. 4. 2022
Nova edicija 100 decibelov! V torek boste lahko slišali:- Jana Beltran izdaja nov singl, s katerim je napovedana tudi nova plata! Ta bo izšla pri ŠKUC-u, naslovljena pa bo To the Moon;- v imenu...
19. 4. 2022
For the 20th edition of the show IndieRE – this time hosted by Radio Študent in Ljubljana – we have gathered music by some of the most notable Slovenian...
16. 4. 2022
Hello and welcome to Radio Muse the radio show from different kinds of indipendet radios powered by the  European Union. You are listening to the broadcast of Radio Corax from...
9. 4. 2022
In this edition of IndieRe, Radio Student from Zagreb, Croatia brings you a fresh selection of artist that have been active through the quarantine period. As a special feature we had an interview...
2. 4. 2022
Tokrat v oddaji:- na obisk v studio pride violinistka Ana Mezgec iz zasedbe Brencl Banda, ki je ravnokar izdala svojo novo ploščo Čarovniški lov,- poslušamo novo plato It's All Wrong, ki jo je sama...
29. 3. 2022
Greetings from the 17th edition of Radio Muse’s show Indie-re, this time hosted by Radio Študent in Ljubljana. The hosts for the following hour of music will be Marijana and Ružica, who will guide...
26. 3. 2022
*Cover art: Luna Woelle za album VIP CLUB EDITS VOL 2V tokratni oddaji:- POUCH ENVY aka Per Pintarič je izdal novo klubsko fuzijo VIP CLUB EDITS VOL 2, o kateri bomo več zvedeli v intervjuju- Single...
23. 3. 2022
Welcome to Radio Muse !Today it's the turn of Radio Grenouille, from Marseille, a member of the French Radio Campus network.Five musical projects from the Marseille scene will be...
18. 3. 2022