Po koncu globalnega akcijskega tedna v podporo revoluciji v Rožavi in proti turškemu fašizmu, ki je potekal od 1. do 8. novembra, smo v rožavsko mesto Kamišli poklicali Şoreşa Ronahîja, člana tamkajšnjega revolucionarnega mladinskega gibanja in Rožavske internacionalistične komune. Şoreş je kot del revolucionarne mladine aktiven po številnih rožavskih mestih in vaseh, zato je dobro seznanjen s trenutno situacijo na terenu. Hkrati je tudi soorganizator globalne internacionalistične kampanje #RiseUp4Rojava, ki poteka ob pomoči različnih organizacij, podpornikov in podpornic iz različnih držav, delujočih v solidarnosti z Rožavo in drugimi deli Kurdistana in proti turškemu fašizmu. Slednjemu se zoperstavljajo z različnimi mednarodnimi akcijami, državljansko nepokorščino in povezovanjem v anti-imperialistično, anti-fašistično in anti-kapitalistično zavezništvo.
After the end of the global action week for Rojava and against Turkish fascism that, was happening from 1st till 8th of November, we called to the Rojavan city of Kamishli to speak with Şoreş Ronahî, a member of the revolutionary youth movement and the Internationalist Commune of Rojava. Şoreş as a youth activist is active in several cities and villages in Rojava, and is thus acquainted with the current situation on the field. He also helps to organise the international campaign #RiseUp4Rojava, that joins several organisations and comrades from all over the world in the solidarity with Rojava and other parts of Kurdistan. The network is fighting against Turkish fascism and to defend the revolution with international actions, civil disobidience and international anti-imperialistic, anti-fascist and anti-capitalistic cooperation.