Festival Brutal Assault se približuje, saj nas od njega loči samo še slab mesec.
Pred kratkim so potrdili še zadnje nastopajoče na festivalu, tako je sedaj seznam nastopajočih popoln, ogledate si ga lahko na priloženi sliki.
Poleg tega so se pa organizatorji odločili podariti še nekaj vstopnic za festival, za kar imate navodila spodaj v angleščini:
Below are the winners of the first round of our #mybrutalassault contest, congratulations! And here comes the second round, this time You can win 5 free festival passes! The rules are the same as the last time. Five randomly selected people, who will share their line-up poster with the #mybrutalassault hashtag on facebook, will receive free festival pass. The pass is to be picked up at the festival on Your ID card. Beware, the post must be set as "public" otherwise we won't be able to see it so it couldn't enter the draw. Otherwise it's pretty simple, just share Your line-up poster on Your timeline or set it as Your cover photo and add the aforementioned hashtag. Find the poster app here! Not familiar with the app? Check this post.