In the 111th edition of our joint radio project, Radio Helsinki from Graz is taking you to the heart of the underground, to Sub Graz, the coolest club in town, with up and coming punk bands Hyperdog and Leber.
Punk, garage and hip-hop come together at the 120th edition of IndieRE, the Spanish edition by EMA-RTV. We begin with the experienced Sevillian musicians Pony Bravo and their new album, Trópico. Then we open the gates of sonic chaos with accelerated punk, crazy synthesizers, garage filth and much more. Short and urgent songs in this block in which we present the music of bands such as Beta Máximo, Alcalá Norte, Los Trejo, Tetas Frías, Sr.Tiznajo, Tabaco or Montaña.
This is the latest edition of IndieRE by Radio Helsinki, Graz, Austria. Today your trusted intern Mirna will present a diverse mix featuring everything from mellow melodies and folk-inspired tunes to energetic punk, hip-hop, and experimental electronic sounds. The show explores the unique and vibrant Austrian music scene.
The new episode of the IndieRE Radio Show presents the latest releases from the Hungarian underground scene brought to you by Civil Rádió, Hungary. For example, we present two bands that were based in a relatively famous underground place in Budapest, Gólya. We also have Duckshell on the show, but we also have new songs from bands like Margaret Island and Elefánt. And we'll even be featuring a legendary Hungarian band that's been back for over forty years! Follow the 118th edition of the IndieRE Radio Show on your favourite community radio stations all over Europe!
This episode of IndieRE comes from Slovenia's Radio Študent. First up we have a new album by a rock band Kavasutra titled Ta veseli dan, released by Radio Študent's record label Zarš. We'll speak to the band about their new album. We'll also listen to the electro trap collective Smrt Boga in Otrok or SBO, their self-released album Nemoč, music from the album Flyšer released by rx:tx and КАФАНА and made by the producer from a new generation of beatmakers and rappers called YNGFirefly.
The new edition of the IndieRE broadcast is brought to you by Radio U, based in Brittany. We'll present the dub soundsystem Stand High Patrol, the rock band Captain Excelsior and the Cosmic Crabs, TekMao, a group that mixes techno and traditional Breton music, and finally Plouz&Foen, two childhood friends who rap in Breton.
Featured artists/producers and labels:
The 115th edition of the IndieRE project features a selection of new releases and interviews with musicians from the Irish music scene. Near FM's show kicks off with Fontaines D.C. and continues with Brian Ring, a musician from Cork, Ireland, now based in Berlin, Man Like Strange and Carlsbad. We'll talk with Diana Gómez, a versatile Spanish cellist who blends classical mastery with modern innovation. Next up are Killowen and Larks, who set the stage for the interview with Yard, and the last artist of the show will be David Kitt.
Živinoreja je odgovorna za kar 18 odstotkov svetovnih izpustov toplogrednih plinov, kar je približno toliko kot izpusti celotnega transportnega sektorja. Ob tem je posebej problematična industrijska živinoreja, ki temelji na maksimizaciji proizvodnje mesa in drugih živalskih izdelkov. Na račun dobičkov za kapitaliste trpijo ljudje, okolje in živali. Dolgoročna rešitev, h kateri bi morali kot družba težiti, je ukinitev industrijske živinoreje, kar bi pomenilo prehod na gojenje živali v manjšem obsegu in v humanih pogojih ter občutno zmanjšanje uživanja in potrošnje mesa predvsem na t. i.
For this 114th episode of IndieRE Radio Corax prepared some refreshing punk in its different variations with bands like Onyon, Rouge, D.B.R. and zakk2000. In the interviews we talk with the new post-punk force from Leipzig mantarochen about their first EP and with the not-so-new Klabusterbären from Halle about their musical background and how they experienced the fall of the wall as a punk band from East Germany. In the last part of the show, the focus is on softer sounds with indie/shoegaze, art-pop and wave by Nil, Purpur Spytt, Peter Piek and Walter Frosch.