
Plemenito poslanstvo: izpostaviti lokalno indie in urbano glasbeno produkcijo in jo po mreži neodvisnih radiev poslati po Evropi.

Serija Indie-Re v okviru projekta Radiomuse predstavlja sodelovanje štirih neodvisnih evropskih radijskih postaj: ljubljanskega Radia Študent, Radia Popolare di Milano, francoske mreže Radio Campus in Radia Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji.

Uredništvo, 19. 5. 2023 22:33, IndieRE

Welcome to this new episode of IndieRE, the show that introduces you to emerging music across Europe. Today, we have a special slot from Radio Pulsar. Based in Poitiers, it's a part of the Radio Campus France network. Thanks to RIM (the network of independent music in Nouvelle Aquitaine), Radio Pulsar was able to meet several regional artists. For its latest edition, Forma, the Forum of contemporary music of the RIM, a meeting for musicians and actors of current music in the South-West of France, were united in a recognized concert hall, the Confort Moderne in Poitiers.

Uredništvo, 12. 5. 2023 20:14, IndieRE

In the 59th episode of IndieRE from Near FM in Ireland we get a listen to some of the best up and coming acts in Ireland like Really Good Time, Lunch Machine and Mhaol as well as some long established acts like David Kitt and Side 4 Collective. We hear some of the best rap that the island of Ireland has to offer with songs from J.F.O., 1000 Beats (feat. Malaki) and Belfastss Kneecap, who rap in Irish as well as English.

Uredništvo, 5. 5. 2023 21:09, IndieRE

In the 58th edition of IndieRE Radio Corax collected an eclectic mix with a focus on synthesizer based & experimental music. Genres are fluent but we'll name a few assosciated with this episode: avant-garde, synth-pop, electro, slowcore, surfgoth, darkwave, post-punk and punk.

Uredništvo, 28. 4. 2023 20:01, IndieRE

In the 57th episode of the IndieRE broadcast by Radio Student from Zagreb we're presenting a unique musical journey captured on album Altur Mur by Mimika Orchestra. Its member and composer Mak Murtić shared with us a few thoughts about his reinvented vision of Mediterranean folklore and we'll hear tunes called Thalassa and Amuar, inviting us to Mimika’s infinite feast. The following song remains inspired by traditional Croatian melodies, but in a completely different way.

Uredništvo, 22. 4. 2023 06:12, IndieRE

Welcome to the 56th edition of IndieRE, where your hosts are Rafa Sánchez and Guillaume Buteau, together with technician Nuria González from Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV) in Sevilla, Spain. We will continue introducing more bands of the Spanish indie and underground scene from several and mixed music styles. The show stars with the pop band Kindata, then, the feminist rap of Machete en Boca and later a wink to New Orleans with Hip Horns Brass Collective.

Uredništvo, 15. 4. 2023 01:40, IndieRE

The 55th episode of IndieRe broadcast, produced by Thomas Paier from Radio Helsinki in Graz, Austria, is a wild mixture. On one hand you will hear cheeky hip-hop, and rap sounds from Graz and Vienna. On the other hand we dive into dream pop, funk, electro, rock and Detroit techno. This show is young, fresh and urban. You will hear an interview with Spitting Ibex, which is a Vienna-based funk, electro and rock band. The second interview guest is part of the fresh and new label Kopf Herz Hand from Graz. His name is Despo.

Uredništvo, 7. 4. 2023 21:23, IndieRE

In the 54th, Hungarian edition of IndieRe, the hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény will present a selection of releases from the past few months. The show starts with the pop rock band Earlybird, continues with a Budapest-based band Swamp Creatures playing self-described psychedelic swamp rock, and the rock band Csaknekedkislány and pop group Magidom, followed by a short break into pop and trap with Azahriah, pop folk with Margaret Island, electronic pop with Analog Balaton, and electronics with Freakin' Disco.

Uredništvo, 1. 4. 2023 12:53, IndieRE

Radio Študent from Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, is a 50-year old student radio station, still dedicated to promoting alternative music. This broadcast is a radio show brought to you by a network of eight partners as a part of the project IndieRe, in which we are covering and sharing the news about new releases of local quality non-mainstream music.

Uredništvo, 1. 4. 2023 12:51, IndieRE

Throughout the 52nd episode of IndieRe we will present some artists, bands and labels currated and selected by François Berchenko from Campus FM. Take a ride with him through the 2023 Toulouse scene with the turbulent Mathius Shadow-Sky, the sensitive and elegant Tania Bel, Didier Aschour from Montagne Noire Records, Pauline Cosgrove from My Imginary Loves rock band and the young local artist, Renaldo Gournier presenting the Immobile project.



Uredništvo, 24. 3. 2023 20:02, IndieRE

The 51st episode of IndieRe is brought to you by Near FM in Dublin, produced and presented by Neil Farrelly. In this episode we showcase some of the best up and coming Irish artists. Ireland is currently a hot bed of acts breaking through internationally, from Fontaines DC, Gilla Band and The Murder Capital, to Sorcha Richardson, Lankum and Lisa O'Neill, there are new artists from all genres making waves all the time. Here we showcase some bands we think are great and you will also hear more about into the future.